
Elevate Your Pop-Up Shop Experience

June 12, 2024
Plinths are the perfect solution for enhancing the shopping experience in your pop-up shop.

Wedding Plinths

May 14, 2024
Wedding plinths are perfect for your big day from decorating your entrance to elevating floral displays, the possibilities are endless.

Bespoke Plinth Solutions

September 4, 2020
Get your plinthy idea juices going! The options are endless.....

Pop Up Shop Solutions

July 14, 2020
With so many empty spaces available on our high streets we have the perfect solution for your space! So why choose plinths……….

Professional Hand Sanitiser Stations (Hire or Purchase)

June 16, 2020
What would you want from a hand sanitiser stand? Don't worry, we have it covered!

Light Bulb Moments!

October 4, 2019
Showcase your product art piece or service with an eye catching display case and glistening lights, all available to hire or buy.

Vinyls, 12 inch remix or 45 inch Single ?

September 23, 2019
A light take on the vinyls in the context of analogue sound and product promotion, drawing on the link of high engagement.

Portable Exhibition Display

September 6, 2019
How to fit 20x display plinths for an event or exhibition inside the space of an everyday hatchback car. The answer lies within!

Chris's 70th Birthday Celebration @ Plinths and Pedestals

August 21, 2019
Question: What do birthdays, beer, food & hexagonal display plinths all have in common?

Colour & Branding Psychology

August 1, 2019
Full colour matching & branding service, available for hire as well as purchase, an exclusive service offered by Plinths and Pedestals.

Keeping It Clean

July 30, 2019
The team at Plinths and Pedestals talk about how their environmental concerns help protect our beautiful planet.

Globe trotting display plinths

July 22, 2019
Delivering hire & bespoke display plinths worldwide for events, exhibitions, the arts and entertainment world.

Christmas In July!

July 12, 2019
Christmas In July Festival - If you are a retailer then you simply can't afford to miss this event

Putting national days on a pedestal, or plinth!

July 5, 2019
Plinths and Pedestals Ltd team national awareness days, national cupcake day, national bring your dog to work day and national burger day.

The day of one of our drivers

June 20, 2019
A day in the life of a pivotal member of the Plinths and Pedestals team, delivering plinths for hire and purchase in our beloved Capital.

Refurbish and revive your display plinths, for the perfect presentation.

May 29, 2019
We'd like to introduce you to a service that returns your display plinths to tip-top condition, maintaining a professional presentation.

First impressions count, the perfect display solution

September 25, 2017
Whether you're a creative agency looking to support your clients' press day or a business owner or manager needing a high quality no fuss...
ARdley London logo
Anya Hindmarch logo
Harrods logo
Rolex logo
Barclays logo
itv logo
Jimmy Choo logo
Sony logo
Square Plinth
Capped Plinths
Square Plinth
Square Plinths
Light Box
Light Box
Hexagon Plinth
Hexagonal Plinths
Round Plinth
Nesting Plinths
Round plinth
Round Plinths
Custom build plinth icon
Custom Built
Fashion plinths
Fashion Plinths
Wedding plinths
Wedding Plinths
Tapered Oak Legs Plinth Icon
Table (Portable)
Shelving plinth
Shelved Plinths
Ornate plinth
Ornate Plinths
Art deco plinth
Art Deco Plinths
Review icon
Speech icon
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